Juniata 9-11-2019

Beautiful day even if it was a bit warm. High was in the low 90's. Water levels were ideal for fly fishing but alas, we got here a bit late and the top water…
What we caught was encouraging. Mostly juvenile fish but for a while it was one right after the other. Lots of fun.
Not a lunker but I'd be happy to get these all day rather than get nothing at all.
All the fish looked healthy too!
Gary had to get the trophy for the smallest fish. He got a couple little ones.
And, there were some nice ones thrown in for good measure.
Was a great day to be out. We caught fish and saw a bunch more.
Felt weird sitting in the front of my own boat but, I think I like it!
Sight fishing was really tough....every one we saw was so spooky and didn't want any of our offerings.
But, tossing spinners seemed the best alternative.